CAPITALB AMA Recapitulation- LassoCoin

Capital Blockchain
3 min readDec 20, 2021


LassoCoin is going to buy a near bankrupt English Football team and make it 100% crypto-holder controlled. We'll provide it with capital to become absolutely amazing. Holders will control everything from the roster to naming the mascot and stadium. This is crypto's next great underdog story!

AMA Guest : James From LassoCoin

AMA Host : Sabith CEO - Founder (CapitalB)


James : I’m the CEO and founder of LassoCoin. We launched on Wednesday and in 5 days, we’ve grown our community from 17 holders to 155 holders.

Questions From The Host

Q1) What is the main idea behind LassoCoin and why you felt defi needed it ?
Also list out the usecases.

Answer : LassoCoin is going to buy a near bankrupt English Football team and make it 100% crypto-holder controlled.

LassoCoin will save a 100+ year old club on the brink of bankruptcy due to COVID, providing the club with capital to develop into a serious contender and earn a promotion to the Premier League.

LassoCoin holders will control every major club decision. LassoCoin is about disrupting the outdated model where billionaires own sports teams but are focused on profits and not the fans.

Q2) Share us some details about the game and is it football team manager game and tell us some of the features of your game ?

Answer : More than 50% of all English Football Teams are currently for sale, as the pandemic has significantly impacted revenue. Currently, teams rely primarily on ticket revenue and valuations are down sharply from 2019. LassoCoin will be able to purchase a team that was selling for over $30 million just a few years ago for around $10 million.

LassoCoin’s focus will be on developing alternative revenue streams to support the club’s growth.

In the near-term, LassoCoin will target streaming, jersey crypto sponsors, merchandise, NFTs, and stadium rights to grow the club’s balance sheet.

Long-term, promotion to the Premier League will make our growth parabolic – worth at least $200 million in annual revenue alone – and all profits will be passed back to $LASSO holders. After the English Football League, LassoCoin is coming for every major sports league: NBA, MLB, NHL, etc.

Q3) did you do a fair launch or via presale and how was the initial response?

Answer : We did have a pre-sale of 20%, but they’re locked for 6 months so they won’t be selling any time soon! Our tokenomics are the following:

20% private sale (locked for 6 months), 20% developer (locked for 6 months), 19% burned, marketing 16%, initial liquidity 15% (locked for 1 year). 5% reward and 5% automatic LP on each transaction

4) Can you tell about your partnership and marketing strategies used to raise awareness about the product ?

Answer : Our marketing budget will target opportunities (like this AMA) where we can target an audience to sell our vision!

I really love podcasts so I’m booking quite a few the next few weeks to go on.

I grew up in sunderland. A town with 49k capacity in their stadium and 390k population. Football is everything to these English towns. These teams are DYING…on the brink of bankruptcy because of COVID. And we have a real opportunity to save a 100+ old club, and create the next great underdog story in crypto

5) How you assure about the security of your product and also tell us how are community can be sure against a rugpull?

Answer : On the true security side, we have done LP locks and token locks to enable trust. We are also working with Certik on a full-scale smart contract audit which is set to be finalized tonight.

From a community standpoint, I have an open-door policy because, unfortunately, this community has had a lot of fraud. I plan to use engagement and transparency to increase trust. Message me and I’ll address every non-spam question, my username is @jimbo11 (when I have a free minute amid the craziness)!!

For More information [ LassoCoin ]

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