CAPITALB AMA Recapitulation - GemDAO

Capital Blockchain
3 min readAug 11, 2022


GemDAO is a groundbreaking support protocol built on Binance Smart Chain, operating as Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), targeting to everyone who love meme projects on launchpads such as Pinksale, Gempad, Unicrypt…

Questions From Host!

  • Q1) What is GemDAO Can you Explain in More Details..?

Gemdao I’ll say like we know and if you check your dictionary you’ll understand the a gem is something uniques something spectacular and dao is an effective way to work with like minded people so generally if we pull this two together, we discover the the unique way of bringing like minded people together to achieve a common goal is gemdao.
Gemdao is an idea that supports everyone and is built on the bsc Network and It operates as a decentralized autonomous organisation that keeps it focus on people who targets launchpad brings it closer to them

  • Q2) Can You Please Tell Us A Bit About GemDAO Token...?

The token like I said earlier is built in the binance smart chain network and is made up of four basic feature and some of this are gemshark, gempos, gemvote

In the gempos feature, we intend to creat a mobile app called gempos where everyone can mine gemdao tokens without a cost, that easy and simple as a member you can enjoy such rights. Each year, 1% of the total supply can be mined and distributed equally to all the miners..this is another way of helping the community hrow

First, other similar project don't have the kind of spirit this one has there might be a lot of projects out there but the question is, which one has the kind of vision GEMDAO has and the answer is none...we have a vision of staying in this space for as long as possible and the very best and EXPERIENCED team with a trailer of experience attached to their vitae and we're willing to give everything to see it work

  • Q3) Can you talk to us about your road map and Tokonomics?

On the tokenomics, we have 4% tax goingnfor buying and selling and this could be increased at the first hour of launch to control bots and also sell pressure and after that it might even go lower considering the diamond hands
DAO POOL takes 3% and marketing takes 1%
For the token matrix
Presale takes 52% of total supply
Liquidity takes 28%
Unlocked token takes 4%
Locked token takes 16%

Right now we are still on the first stage of the road map and I also have a good news which I am not to say right now but it’s gonna happen even before launch and everything in the roadmap for phase1 is set we are to move to the next stage

  • Q4) What Are your plans For 2022..?

Every crypto community will tell you they wanna make name or go to the moon....too many words but no actions.

In my words I believe with the kind of team we have, 2022 Is gonna be a year where we'll first create something words wouldn't be enough to explain and at the end everyone would wanna be a part of this unique concept

  • What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?

We call it charity we will definitely look for a part of their lives where crypto could affect and once it’s done, they’ll wanna come closer and know what changed their story ...nobody wants to come to this space for nothing they all wanna benefit from it

  • Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future?

In The closest future trust me we have a lot coming

  • IS This Your project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

The project welcomes everyone both big and small. How can we say we’ve achieved anything if we keep enriching the rich? We wanna put smile on everyone’s face

For More info -




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