CAPITALB AMA Recapitulation - Gear Technology inc

Capital Blockchain
6 min readJun 24, 2022


▶️ Gear is an advanced WASM based smart contract platform, aiming to be a Polkadot and Kusama parachain. We enable developers can deploy their dApps in under 5 minutes, in the easiest and most efficient way possible

Question’s From Community!

  • Q1) We know that gear_techs is when you’re accepted into the 2022 Web 3.0 Bootcamp. So the main question is, How can the project benefit from this, in terms of GROWTH / IMPROVEMENT?

Answer :For those who don’t know, the Web3.0 Bootcamp is a startup training and incubation camp that has been initiated by Parity Technologies, the Web3 Foundation, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and the New Chainbase. The bootcamp aims to provide effective resources from within the Wanxiang blockchain and Polkadot ecosystems to promote the arrival of the Web3 era.

We joined the bootcamp as we are looking to expand our presence in China and the whole Asian region. We were invited by the Web3 Foundation and as we have a team in China we hope that they will benefit a lot from this program so it can accelerate our growth in this region.

  • Q2) What was/were the reason/s for Gear Technologies to focus mainly on building and developing under networks for Polkadot and Kusama blockchains? Why did you choose these two specifically?

Answer : Well, first of all I helped with the development of both networks and the Substrate framework, which lies in the foundation of them — so I know how things should be done there.

What’s most attractive to us is that both Kusama and Polkadot take no risks when it comes to security and decentralization and are two of the most advanced and secure networks within the industry. Because of this, once the Gear network becomes an official parachain, by winning an auction, it will gain the entire security of the Polkadot network itself. Also interoperability with other parachains and bridges - we will have builtin connection to all of them inside Gear.

  • Q3) It is interesting that Gear holds conferences at renowned universities, such as those in Mexico. My question is, what are your team’s intentions in holding such conferences? Why have you started in Mexico? Are you planning something with Latin America?

Answer : The worldwide events that we hold are workshops, their primary goal is education. We want to provide the opportunity for the younger generation to learn about how easy it is to deploy a smart contract without being a blockchain developer specifically, but having knowledge in general-purpose languages like Rust, C, C++ etc.

Our first workshop was held for the students of the Computer Science and Engineering Society of the University of California, San Diego. But yes, we do have plans to spread the knowledge about the Gear Protocol in South America. In fact, next week we will be taking part in Polkadot Decoded in Argentina and we have plans to organize a series of workshops starting in autumn in Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Chile. Typically, we also organize sociable meetups in the countries where we are holding workshops.

If you see this kinda big picture, the crypto developers are just small portion of people who are doing application and services. Something like several thousands of them exist on the planet. So our plan is to attract some portion of non-crypto developers and to show them that web3 is easy — and with our protocol for applications it is indeed easy.

By the way if somebody would like to help us and organize a workshop or meet up, send a message to @PavelSalas. We are always happy to host more workshops in universities and colleges.

  • Q4) How many killer features of Gear project that makes it ahead of its competitors? Could you tell us 2-3 features ? And What are the plans to educate and raise awareness and adoption among the community to make more people understand about the project easily..?

Answer : We have 3 such features that makes us a very performant and easy to develop application platform:
- actor model for communications
- persistent memory
- Wasm

Actor model for communications makes all computations to be easily parallelizable, and storage shardable. Persistent memory makes the development process as easy as writing regular cloud services. And wasm gives us native speed for those contracts (programs).

For the community we are holding various events around the world: workshops, conferences, meetups, AMAs. We are also taking part in events organized by Parity Tech and Web3 Foundation like Polkadot Hackaton 2022, Web3.0 Bootcamp. We also will be taking part in Polkadot Decoded in Germany, Argentina and China. All the events of this kind help us to spread awareness about the Gear Platform among the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystems.

We also created a basic introductory course for the developers. It will be a free fundamental course that will provide you with the necessary knowledge to create smart contracts on our platform. The course will be launched soon along with the official Gear Academy.

  • Q5) NFT is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on NFT with us? Do you think NFT will disrupt the current financial system? What is Your project’s approach to the NFT sector?

Answer : NFT is one of many use cases for blockchain and decentralized apps. From technical perspective, it is rather trivial and can be done on any platform. We of course support everything that NFT needs as a general-purpose platform, and our speed and throughput helps a lot. But NFTs is more about marketing and art than tech.

Question’s From Live Section

  • Q1) According to the roadmap, what is your most important next priority?

Answer : Currently we are working on chain candidate for our standalone network. This will be our experimental network, but stable. We can guarantee that it will never lose any data and will work forever.

Once it is done and tested, we go to occopy parachain slot(s) on Kusama, then Polkadot!

  • Q2) Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration?

Answer : Totally! In discord, our devs are always answering any questions and listen to suggestions.

Our dev chat (where our devs talk about the work) is public and open for all.

  • Q3) Can you give an overview of your Tokenomics, and the UTILITY of Token?

Answer : Gear will be very simple token, it will be just used to pay for computation and storage. We will have as little governance as possible. It will be very honest token - you use token and get your application running.

  • Q4) AUDIT plays an IMPORTANT role in improving the stability of any PROJECT. Do you have an AUDIT CERTIFICATE. Or are you doing an AUDIT of your project to make it more secure and reliable?

Answer : We are currently are doing audit from a top auditor. And yes, it is important. Not only that, after audit we launch a bug bounty program with our partner on that.

  • Q5) You claimed that Gear lowers the entry hurdle for developers who are new to blockchain technology. Therefore, the developer can construct DApps with shorter processing times, lower development costs, and greater comfort using the Gear platform. No blockchain expertise necessary?

Answer : Indeed yes. Programming on Gear is more like programming micro-services. You just code something that can handle and send messages, without worrying too much that you program for blockchain. Gear will ensure the rest as a clever runtime, under the hood.

For More information ( Gear Tech )

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